...pärineb ühelt Inglismaa geeniuselt, kes täna vist rohkem California päikese all peesitab. Aeg-ajalt võtab kitarri veel tänagi kätte ja viib meid ikka ja jälle oma võrratu fantaasia meelevalda. Kolmkümmendviis aastat noorem Richard Thompson kirjutas kord nii:
A man, he's like a rusty wheel
On a rusty cart
He sings his song as he rattles along
And then he falls apart
A man, he's like a briar*
He covers himself with thorns
He laughs like a clown when he's fortune's down
And his clothes are ragged and thorn
A man, he's like a three string fiddle
Hanging upon the wall
He plays when somebody scrapes on the bow
Or he can't play at all
A man, he's like his father
Wishes he was never born
He longs for the time when the clock will chime
And he's dead for evermore
Ja nüüd kõik koos:
And we'll sing hallelujah
At the turning of the year
And we work all day in the old fashioned way
'Till the shing star appears
*Briar ehk brier on muuseas kibuvits.
Laulu "We Sing Hallelujah" leiate Richard ja Linda Thomsponi ühiselt meistriteoselt "I Want To See The Bright Lights Tonight", mis ilmus nukral majanduskriisis vaevleval Inglismaal AD1974.
#detsembripäevapilt 25
25. detsembril ei olnud enam lumeraasugi. Homme peaks minema
mutimullahunnikuid laiali ajama. Enne kui nad jälle ära jõuavad...
4 tundi tagasi
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