Honeyboy on viimane, kes mäletab kadunud ajastut, 30-te aastate legendaarset bluusimaailma. 93-aastane vanahärra tuuritab hetkel Inglismaal ning kõneleb Robert Johnsoni surmast nagu see oleks juhtunud eile.
“Now, when he died, August 16, 1938, that was on a Tuesday, I come over there an’ I was around 23 years old. Robert was 27 then. He got poisoned out there, a little place called Three Forks. He had been playin’ out there for pretty close to a year. They had a roadhouse out there called Juke House - white whiskey, gamblin’. Robert started goin’ with the man’s wife, an’ she a good-lookin’ woman. An’ the man got him.”
Pika elu jooksul muutus nii mõndagi. Honeyboy hoidis kolmekümnendatel Georgiast eemale, sest valged armastasid seal musti mehi istandustesse tööle sundida. 70 aastat hiljem loodab ta näha mustanahalist presidenti Valges Majas.
“I go back to Shaw, Mississippi, where I grew up, an’ now it got a black mayor, black people runnin’ nice hotels an’ businesses. White folk own the businesses, but it’s better. I gets treated good there now. Things change.”
They certainly do; just look at Barack Obama. “Yeah, we could get a black president,” he replies.
Does Honeyboy know if Barack likes the blues? He pretty frisky,” says the last bluesman, his gold teeth glinting, “so he probably do like the blues.”
Äkisti ei loe miski muu
Mõtlesin, et ok, vbla sellepärast ma elan.
Sellepärast elasin Rongi üle.
Universumi käsusõna kõlas just tänase pärast.
Mismõttes niimoodi saab.
5 tundi tagasi
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