Observer kirjutab täna pikalt-pikalt Charles Darwinist. Saab ju 150 aastat tema loodusliku valiku teooria ilmumisest ning peagi ka 200 aastat suurmehe sünnist. On päris palju neidki, kes usulistel põhjustel tänagi Darwini teooriasse ei usu. Eriti naljakas kui sellised inimesed ülikoolis õpivad ja teadlaseks soovivad saada.
'Twenty years ago, this was not a problem,' says Steve Jones, a professor of genetics at University College London. 'Today, I get dozens of students who ask to be excused lectures on evolution because of their religious beliefs. They even accuse me of telling lies when I say natural selection is backed by the facts. So I ask if they believe in Mendel's laws of genetics? They say yes, of course. And the existence of DNA? Again, yes. And genetic mutations? Yes. The spread of insecticide resistance? Yes. The divergence of isolated populations on islands? Yes. And do you accept that 98 per cent of DNA is shared by humans and chimps? Again yes. So what is wrong with natural selection? It's all lies, they say. It beats me, frankly.'
Äkisti ei loe miski muu
Mõtlesin, et ok, vbla sellepärast ma elan.
Sellepärast elasin Rongi üle.
Universumi käsusõna kõlas just tänase pärast.
Mismõttes niimoodi saab.
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