

Olin tänaseks suhiõhtuks asju ostes üsna nõutu. Tahtsin harjumustpärast roosat värvi ingverit kuid müüdi vaid valkjas-kollakat varianti. Mõtlesin, et mis vahe seal on siis... Ja komistasin sellise seletuse otsa:
GariGari is a type of tsukemono (pickled vegetables). It is sweet, thinly sliced young ginger that has been marinated inside a solution of sugar and vinegar. Gari is often served and eaten after sushi, and is sometimes called sushi ginger. Although many brands of commercially produced gari are artificially colored pink (in some cases by either E124 and/or beet juice) to promote sales, the natural product typically has a pale yellow to slightly pink hue from the pickling process.

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