Täna jõudis mu postkasti spämmifiltri edukalt läbinud kiri Etioopiast. Pean ütlema, et meilimaailmas on arengut märgata. Inglise keel paistab üllatavalt korrektne, lisatakse lausa oma passinumber ja lõpus olev informatsiooniline teadaanne on ülilõbus.
From Mr. Brahmavar Shreehari. Rao
P.O.Box 15 27, Addis Abeba
Ethiopia Africa.
Email: raocompanyltd@gmail.com
Dear Friend,
I am Mr. Brahmavar Shreeharri Rao, with passport number: F-3740119. An International business consultant, Ethiopian. I know this message might meet you in utmost surprise; however, it's just my urgent need for a foreign partner that made me to contact you for this urgent transaction.
I am an economist, international business consultant, professional manager and well established and reputed businessman in East Africa, West Africa and Asia. Respectively; I have a "TOP SECRET" business opportunity to transfer the left over funds total amount (€5.5 million Euros) deposited by one of my late foreign partner by name Mr.Anderson Hardman.
Hence, I am inviting you for this business deal where this money can be shared between us at the ratio of 75% for me while, you will be entitled with 25%, If you agree to my business proposal.
Now my questions are:-
1. Can I give you this trust?
2. Will you appreciate the above percentage that you will be entitled from this fortune as your commission?
Please provide me with: Your private telephone number,Occupation and your Contact address.quickly respond back by indicating your willingness to be foreign partner to this great business opportunity.
This transaction is legitimate, but it requires a foreign partner to stand as the nominated next of kin to this fund before it can be transferred out. I wait your return mail for more details.
Have a great day; Assalamu' alaikum
Yours faithfully,
Mr. Brahmavar Shreehari. Rao.
I am very much aware that unsolicited emails are subjected to disturbance, so please accept my apologies, but if this is not your interest or if you were sent by mistake. Under Ethiopian law 675/96 I found your e-mail or surfing the Net E-mail/Website who have made public and therefore accessible and usable as he wishes the spirit of the Internet itself, or simply because is a mail that came into contact with My mail. This message can not be considered SPAM since it includes the possibility of being removed from further mailings e-mail. Therefore, if you intend to be removed from my mailing list, please respond to this question: "Delete" to the e-mail or click the bottom of the message to delete it immediately.
Eile oli emakeelepäev. E-etteütlust ei teinud, juba päev varem mõtlesin, et
jätan seekord vahele. Ise ka ei tea, miks, aga ilmselge on, et *Chuck
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